The FBI Arresting A Mafia Family and an Atlanta Strip Club. In a remarkable operation, the FBI leveraged Atlanta's notorious Gold Club to dismantle a significant arm of the Gambino Crime Family, one of the most powerful La Co...
Amazing Story of Resilience In Florida Court at 10. At 10, as a young girl, her resilience was put to the test in a Florida court. Her story, now shared on our Facebook, Instagram and as a podcast on our …
NYPD In Afghanistan, School Threat They Stopped Before The Attack. During the Afghanistan War, a few New York reporters were kidnapped. As a member of the NYPD, he was deployed to Afghanistan to locate and help rescue a repor...
Attacked by John Wayne Gacy, Molested as a Child He Tells The Story. As a child, he barely survived being attacked and molested by serial killer John Wayne Gacy during a family vacation at a Wisconsin lake. At age 8, …
Close Call Sniper Shooting and Saving Lives as a Reserve Sheriff. He had a very close call with the Beltway Snipers, exiting a restaurant just a few moments before another person was shot by the Snipers. He shares his harrowi...
Are State Prison Policies Unsafe For Corrections Officers and Inmates? We all know that State Prisons can be very dangerous places. But are prison policies in the State of Nevada placing corrections officers in vulnerable po...
Police In Baltimore, Four Gun Fights. Impact of TV News. Special Episode. The intense and often misunderstood world of a Baltimore Police Officer. This episode sheds light on the trauma and realities faced by cops in Baltimor...
TV Show About Gangs, California Police Warnings. Retired L.A.S.D. Gang Expert talks about the alarming growth of violent criminal gangs across America. Retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) Sgt. Richard Valde...
Journey From Trauma Surgeon to Police Officer: His Amazing Story. We explore the remarkable journey an orthopedic trauma surgeon took and also became a police officer. He maintained his medical - surgical career including tra...
Police, The Truth Trauma, Scars and Protecting Victims. The Stark Reality of Sexual Assault. Truth and Trauma: Investigating Sexual Assault In the US, someone is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds. Over one-third of women ha...
Are Television Shows Unrealistic? Solving Real Violent Crimes With Fingerprint Analysis. Have popular television shows and movies about crime scene technicians and forensics corrupted public perception with misinformation? Wh...
Her Stroke of Love Changed Her Life of Repressed Memories from Childhood Trauma. Repressed memories from the trauma of her childhood for years. As a teenager, she began the journey to recover from the effects of the abuse she...
FBI Arresting Serial Killers, From Computer Data to Danger. Forget what you see in movies and on TV about serial killers and how they're caught. In this podcast interview we discuss the true realities of investigating these c...
Dallas Police To TV Star on First 48, To a Salt Water Fishing Captain. The Forensic Interview. Starting as a police officer in Dallas, he rose to become a Homicide Detective and later gained fame as a TV star on …
American Human Smuggling Facts and Fears, The Ugly Truth. What are the facts and fears about human smuggling and sex slavery? The ugly truth is stark, especially concerning Central and South America and the U.S. border. Join ...
Daughter and Husband Killed by an Impaired Driver. Her Story and Mission. They were killed in a horrible collision with an impaired driver. The impaired driver reportedly had multiple prior offenses for driving while impaired...
Survived the Widowmaker Heart Attack and A Near Death Accident. He narrowly survived what's known as a widowmaker heart attack—a condition where a blockage obstructs the largest artery in the heart, hindering blood flow thro...
What it's like to be a Police Officer. I was a guest on WGN Radio, The Karen Conti Show. Special Episode. What traits make for a great police officer? What character traits prevent some people from being good police officers?...
Cop to Homicide Detective to ATF. His Lung Cancer from the WTC after 9-11, To On Scene at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. He weathered a tumultuous career marked by adversity and trauma. From battling lung ...
Friendly Fire Deputy Sheriff Left Paralyzed. His Heartbreaking Story. Jaime Morales, once an esteemed Special Deputy with the Scott County Kentucky Sheriff's Department, recounts the events of September 11, 2018, a day that f...
Retired DEA Agent Shot and Left Blind. His Story and Inspiring Life. Special Episode. He shares his remarkable journey of overcoming adversity. While serving in Afghanistan as part of the DEA's FAST (SWAT) team, tasked with c...
Abducted Kidnapped and Molested Multiple Times As A Juvenile. Her Powerful Warning and Amazing Recovery. At the vulnerable ages of twelve and fourteen, Broberg fell victim to the sinister intentions of a trusted family acquai...
Was Her Sickness Caused By Domestic Violence? She Says Yes. Her sickness, she claims, was indeed caused by domestic violence, a truth she now openly acknowledges. For years, she endured the torment of walking on eggshells to ...
Dog Eating Person, Other Police Traumas Impact on Him, and His Recovery. In the line of duty, he encountered a tragic scene where a woman had passed away from natural causes, leaving her dog to resort to gruesome means of …