Never listened to a podcast before? Not sure what to do, or where to start?

You aren't alone, the good news is that it is much, much easier than people think.

Before we get started let's take a quick look at podcast listeners in the US. In other parts of the world the numbers are different. According to an article by Neal Schaffer about Podcast Statistics, "51% of Americans reported listening to a podcast. And 37% of Americans listen to podcasts every month...".  That means that as of 2023, about 49% of Americans have never listened to a podcast, and 63% don't consume podcasts regularly.

A big part of the reason why so many people have not listened to a podcast is because they don't know what they are, or how to listen. Think of "podcasts" as an audio show that is available on demand, from wherever you want, at anytime that is convenient for you. Yes, there are video podcasts as well, the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast is an audio podcast that you can listen to anytime you want.

Most people listen to podcasts via their Smartphones. So if you have an iPhone (or IOS) phone you might choose Apple Podcasts to listen to the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast. If you are using an Android or Google phone, you might want to use Google Podcasts to listen to the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast. 

There are a host of players, that you can find on the homepage of our website to listen to the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast. Our show is always Free, meaning there is no subscription fee, or per episode fee to play the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast. Our shows are all supported by our sponsors and advertisers, so there is no cost to you.

Can't listen to a whole episode, no worries, you can stop at anytime and return to the show episode to continue listening.

For Wireless Speaker Devices Like Amazon Echo.

Say to the device "Alexa play Law Enforcement Talk Podcast". It should start the show.