Shooting Trauma Police Sergeant's Story. PTSD and Violence. Digitally Remastered Episode. Navigating the Shadows: A Police Officer's Journey through Trauma, Recovery, and Redemption in California. We delve into the life-alter...
Police Officer's Deadly Shooting and PTSD After. Response from His Department.The shooting, the surprising response from his Department, his dark days, his recovery from PTSD, and how it lead to his book. Saving and rebuildin...
Police Sergeant's Shooting, Trauma and PTSD. Special Episode. Shots Fired, California Police Sergeant's Trauma. Be sure to Like and Follow us on Facebook . Retired Police Sergeant Michael Sugrue is our guest. Michael talks a...
Shooting, Violence and Trauma, Life After his Police Career. Retired Police Sergeant Michael Sugrue is our guest. Michael talks about his career in law enforcement and his life afterwards. He discusses the call when he was fo...