Sept. 7, 2024

Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey

Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey

Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey. Choosing to undergo dental implant surgery was not an easy decision. It’s one I’ve grappled with for years, but I’ve finally committed to getting implants for both my upper and lower teeth. While for many people, dental care is just a matter of routine checkups, for me, it has been a constant source of anxiety and frustration. My dental health has affected my confidence, social interactions, and even my career. After years of hiding my smile and feeling self-conscious, I’m ready to take this transformative step.

To clarify, the image accompanying this blog is not of my smile. It is a free photo from I’ve struggled with severe dental issues for many years, and I’m not quite ready to show a close-up of my teeth. I’ve found ways to hide my smile in public and in photos—like growing a large mustache to conceal my teeth. But my dental health has continued to decline, and it’s become impossible to ignore the need for a significant change.

Exploring My Options

To explore my options for dental implants, I consulted with several dental professionals across the country. Two are part of well-known national chains, one is from a regional practice in South Florida, another runs a successful practice in the Boston area, and the last is based in Chicago. Each dentist offers a unique approach and perspective. For example, the dentist in Boston is known for providing free dental implants to veterans and those in need, demonstrating her commitment to improving lives through better dental health. Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey

Whichever dentist I ultimately choose, I’ve decided to make this journey a public one. Through my nationally syndicated Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show, my podcast, social media, and platforms like Newsbreak, Medium and my website. I intend to share every step of this experience. Why? Because I’m not alone. Thousands of people are considering dental implants right now, and by sharing my story, I hope to help others feel more informed and less isolated.

Understanding Dental Implants

For those who aren’t familiar, dental implants are surgically implanted devices that restore a person’s ability to chew and improve their appearance. Unlike traditional removable dentures, implants provide a more permanent solution, supporting artificial teeth such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. A dental implant system consists of three main parts: the implant body, the abutment, and, in some cases, an abutment fixation screw.

The implant body is inserted into the jawbone where the tooth’s root once was, and the abutment, attached to the implant body with the fixation screw, extends through the gums to support the artificial teeth. This procedure can greatly enhance the quality of life and health for those who need it, although complications can sometimes occur—either soon after the surgery or much later. These complications could result in implant failure, which may necessitate additional surgery.

The Advantages of Dental Implants, Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey

Dental implants offer several advantages over traditional dentures. They look and feel more natural, have a higher success rate, and improve chewing function significantly. Implants reduce the risk of cavities in surrounding teeth, help maintain bone structure where the tooth was lost, cause less sensitivity in adjacent teeth, and do not require nightly removal and cleaning. However, not everyone is a candidate for implants; healthy bone structure is essential to support the implant.

There are different types of implants based on the number of teeth that need replacement:

    Single-Tooth Implant: Used when replacing a single missing tooth. An implant is placed, and a crown is attached to restore the tooth.
    Multiple-Tooth Implant: Ideal for those missing several teeth. Multiple implants anchor custom-made replacement teeth.
    Full-Mouth Implant: Suitable for individuals who have lost all their teeth, restoring the entire upper or lower set.

After much consideration, I’m leaning towards full-mouth implants for both my upper and lower teeth.
Why I Chose Full-Mouth Implants

Several factors influenced my decision to opt for full-mouth implants:

    Appearance: While my radio audience doesn’t see me, I still make public appearances throughout the year. My dental issues have made me hesitant to attend these events. A confident smile would eliminate that hesitation, allowing me to engage more fully in both my personal and professional life.

    Health: There is substantial evidence linking oral health to overall health. Poor dental health has been connected to various systemic conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. By addressing my dental issues comprehensively, I hope to improve my overall well-being. Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey

    Pain and Discomfort: Eating has become painful, impacting my ability to enjoy food and affecting my nutrition. Implants could alleviate this discomfort and allow me to eat without pain again.

A major concern has been whether this surgery will affect my speech, considering my career in radio. Thankfully, a friend who recently underwent full dental implant surgery has been an incredible source of inspiration and reassurance. There was a slight difference in her speech during the first few days post-surgery, but she sounded completely normal afterward. This gives me hope that I, too, will continue my work without any noticeable impact.

Looking Forward to the Journey

I plan to document every step of this journey, from consultations to final results. Along the way, I’ll share how my dental health reached this point and address the fears I’ve confronted in making this decision. My hope is that my experience will help others facing similar challenges feel less alone and more empowered to make their own choices. Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey.

Dental implant surgery is a significant commitment, but it feels like the right one for me. I’m ready to smile without reservation, speak with confidence, and live without the pain and discomfort that have been part of my life for so long. If my journey helps even one person find their own path with more confidence, it will have been worth it. Stay tuned for more updates as I embark on this transformative path.

Stay up to date with Law Enforcement Crime and True Crime Stories on the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or most major podcast platforms. You can stay updated about his story and many others simply by following us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. Dental Implants: My Decision and Journey.



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