July 9, 2024

The Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit

The Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit

The Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit. Back Against The Wall Dilemma. When going out for dinner with a loved one, there is always the Back Against The Wall Dilemma. And I know I'm not alone in this. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, MeWe, Pinterest and other social media platforms for the latest episodes and news.

Before I share my solution, which might work for you too, let's explore what goes along with the Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit. Back Against The Wall Dilemma. Listen to Law Enforcement Talk Radio for free in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website or most major podcast platforms.

More Than Just a Wall

It's much more than simply having your back against a wall, though that is a significant part of it. In a restaurant or any seated venue, positioning your back against the wall is about safeguarding yourself. It prevents people from sneaking up behind you when you can't see them, enabling you to protect yourself or your guest. As a former cop who has been shot at multiple times and jumped, I understand how cowardly predators can target inattentive individuals. This experience has shaped my vigilance. The Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit. You can stay updated about this and other crime and trauma stories simply by following us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms.

Visibility and Awareness

Being able to see everyone approaching in your direction is another critical aspect. It's about identifying potential threats early on. Additionally, having a clear view of the entrances and exits is crucial. For many, quick exit access is vital for self-preservation. For me, it's also about being ready to take action in life-threatening situations. It might sound extreme, but many criminals enter businesses announcing armed robberies, often leading to casualties. They often claim, "I didn't mean to shoot them, it was an accident." Check out all of our great interviews available as a free podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website, or most major podcast platforms.

Lessons from Law Enforcement. The Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit.

In the police academy, we were taught several key principles:

    Never give up the fight.
    You're always on duty, even when off-duty.
    Maintain distance from unknown individuals (the 6-21 feet rule).
    Keep your strong hand (gun hand) free.

In essence, I refuse to entrust my life to a criminal’s decisions. For more news and updates, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and numerous other social media platforms.

Who Faces This Dilemma?

    Law enforcement officers (active or retired)
    Military veterans
    Trauma survivors, often crime-related but not always

Solving the Dilemma. All of our great interviews are available as a free podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website, or most major podcast platforms.

Here are steps that have helped me manage the Back Against The Wall Dilemma:

    Open Communication: Talk honestly with your spouse or close ones. Explain how this affects you physically and mentally. Remember, finding solutions is your responsibility, not theirs.
    Pre-Planning: Develop a game plan before entering these situations. My wife asks if a seating location is suitable in a light-hearted manner, easing the tension.
    Trust Your Partner: My wife has my back, watching for potential threats and alerting me if needed.
    Mindfulness: Focus on a spot and remind yourself of where you are. The threats were in the past, not today.

Conclusion, The Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit.

While I still prefer to sit with my back to the wall and a clear view of foot traffic, especially entrances and exits, I’m much more relaxed about it now.

Stay updated with more law enforcement stories and insights on our website. The Law Enforcement Talk Radio show is a nationally syndicated weekly radio show with 116 affiliate stations and broadcasts to more than 44 million combined population. You can always listen to podcast versions of the show on our website. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Facebook, and Instagram for the latest episodes and news

The Restaurant Dilemma: Where To Sit.