Oct. 11, 2024

A Smile Worthy of TV and Hollywood is not a Mystery.

A Smile Worthy of TV and Hollywood is not a Mystery.

A Smile Worthy of TV and Hollywood is not a Mystery. Have you ever dreamed of having a smile that could light up the red carpet? I know I have. For years, I hid my teeth behind a mustache or a tight-lipped grin, battling with poor dental health and the confidence issues that came with it. But recently, I decided it was time for a change. I embarked on a journey to achieve what I jokingly called a “Steve Harvey type of smile” — or more accurately, a smile worthy of Hollywood.

Facing My Fears

Let’s be real: dental anxiety is a thing, and for some of us, it’s way more than just mild discomfort. It’s a full-blown phobia that can keep us away from the dentist’s chair for years. That was me. The mere thought of a dental visit would send me into a panic — sweating, racing heartbeat, and full-on fear mode.

But here’s the catch: avoiding the dentist didn’t fix anything. It only made things worse. My dental health continued to decline, and along with it, my self-esteem. The more I avoided the problem, the harder it became to face, and I knew that if I didn’t do something soon, it would only get worse.

The Big Step. A Smile Worthy of TV and Hollywood is not a Mystery.

After years of procrastination, I finally bit the bullet and booked an appointment with Dr. Charles J. Lalane DMD. I won’t sugarcoat it — I was terrified. But from the moment I stepped into his office, I knew I was in the right place.

My first visit was an overall inspection of my teeth and to plan a course of action. My second visit was a marathon 2.5-hour session that kickstarted my smile transformation. Here’s what we tackled in that one sitting:

    Extraction of two fractured molars
    A bone graft on my lower jaw
    Two provisional crowns placed on my upper front teeth

Sounds intense, right? But here’s the surprise — it was virtually pain-free. Thanks to plenty of novocaine and a numbing gel that made even the needle painless, I didn’t feel a thing. Dr. Lalane and his assistant, Bella, walked me through every step with patience and care, easing my fears and keeping me calm throughout the procedure.

The Road to Recovery

After such a major procedure, I was bracing myself for a rough recovery. But to my surprise, it’s been smoother than expected. The first day was tough, of course, but nothing that a few over-the-counter pain relievers couldn’t handle. Now, just days later, I’m already seeing glimpses of what my future smile will look like. It’s like watching a time-lapse of a flower blooming — slow but steady, and every day brings more progress.

What’s Next? Are Dental Implants Part of My Future?

This journey isn’t over yet. The next big step? Dental implants to replace the teeth I’ve lost. It’s the final piece of the puzzle to achieving that TV-ready smile I’ve always dreamed of.

Sure, it’s going to take time, effort, and yes, a financial investment. But the thought of finally being able to flash a confident, dazzling smile? That’s all the motivation I need to keep going.

Lessons Learned: Advice for Fellow Dental Phobes

If you’re reading this and thinking, “I could never do that,” trust me — you can. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way:

    Find the right dentist: This is crucial. Look for someone who listens to your concerns and prioritizes your comfort. A good dentist will work with you, not against you, to help you overcome your fears.
    Take it one step at a time: You don’t have to fix everything in one go. Small steps can lead to big changes.
    Keep your dream smile in mind: Visualizing your end goal — that perfect smile you’ve always wanted — is a powerful motivator to keep pushing forward.
    Don’t let fear hold you back: The anticipation is always worse than the reality. Once you get started, you’ll find that it’s not as scary as you thought.

The Takeaway on A Smile Worthy of TV and Hollywood.

Transforming your smile isn’t just about vanity — it’s about reclaiming your confidence and taking control of your health. Whether you’re aiming for a Hollywood grin or simply want to smile without hesitation, the key is to take that first step.

Remember, every Hollywood star you’ve admired for their perfect smile had to start somewhere. Why not start your own transformation today? Trust me, the results are more than worth it. Here’s to brighter smiles and bolder futures!

John Jay Wiley is a retired Police Sergeant and the host of the nationally syndicated Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and podcast, you can listen to podcast episodes for free on their website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or most major podcast platforms. You can stay updated about his story and many others simply by following us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms.


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